When people join your email community, it’s crucial to reach out to them as soon as possible to tell them about your work and give them ways to get involved.
That’s because people you contact quickly after signing up are more likely to do all of the things you want them to do (opening emails, clicking links, taking action, donating) and less likely to do the things you don’t want them to do (unsubscribing or reporting your emails as spam because they don’t remember signing up.
Unfortunately, with many list growth options, you have to wait days or even weeks to access your email opt-ins.
That’s why Civic Shout built seamless integrations with Action Network, EveryAction and NGP, ensuring that your new email community members are in your CRM and ready to be contacted within seconds of signing up for your list.
Don’t use one of those CRMs? No problem.
You can access on-demand, continually-updated CSV downloads of your opt-ins 24-7 directly from your Civic Shout petition dashboard.
Either way, your new community members are yours to contact as soon as they’ve opted into your email and SMS communities by signing one of your Civic Shout petitions.